COVID-19 therapy and vaccination: a clinical narrative review

Siddharth Chinta, Miguel Rodriguez-Guerra, Mohammed Shaban, Neelanjana Pandey, Maria Jaquez-Duran, Timothy J Vittorio

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This review discusses how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has progressed and surged, and summarizes the safety and efficacy of the most used therapies and vaccines in the light of recent evidence.

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Current treatment in COVID-19 disease: a rapid review

Miguel Rodriguez-Guerra, Preeti Jadhav, Timothy J Vittorio

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This review aims to assess the efficacy and safety of available therapies for COVID-19 in light of current evidence. These treatment options are compared based on their impact on symptom management, inpatient length of stay, and overall morbidity and mortality.

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The journey of remdesivir: from Ebola to COVID-19

Joe Pardo PharmD, Ashutosh M Shukla MD, Gajapathiraju Chamarthi MD, Asmita Gupte MD

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In this narrative review, an overview of Ebola and coronavirus outbreaks is provided as well as a summary of preclinical and clinical studies of remdesivir for Ebola and COVID-19.

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