COVID-19 therapy and vaccination: a clinical narrative review

Siddharth Chinta, Miguel Rodriguez-Guerra, Mohammed Shaban, Neelanjana Pandey, Maria Jaquez-Duran, Timothy J Vittorio

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This review discusses how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has progressed and surged, and summarizes the safety and efficacy of the most used therapies and vaccines in the light of recent evidence.

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Addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy

George Kassianos, Joan Puig-Barberà, Hannah Dinse, Martin Teufel, Özlem Türeci, Shanti Pather

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This article seeks to summarize the currently available information to address the most common concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccination.

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Presentation and pathophysiology of neuro-COVID

Josef Finsterer, Fulvio Alexandre Scorza, Carla Alexandra Scorza

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Letter to the Editor commenting on Orsucci D, Caldarazzo Ienco E, Nocita G, Napolitano A, Vista M. Neurological features of COVID-19 and their treatment: a review. Drugs Context. 2020;9:2020-5-1.

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