Multidisciplinary approach, continuous care and opioid management in cancer pain: case series and review of the literature

Giampiero Porzio, Andreia Capela, Raffaele Giusti, Francesca Lo Bianco, Mirella Moro, Giulio Ravoni, Katarzyna Zułtak-Baczkowska

Article Type

Original Research


This narrative literature review emphasizes the value of providing all patients with multidisciplinary pain management in their preferred care setting. Real-life experiences are also reported to witness the efforts of physicians to properly manage cancer pain.

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High-rate breakthrough cancer pain and tumour characteristics – literature review and case series

Arturo Cuomo, Anastasios Boutis, Francesca Colonese, Davide Nocerino

Article Type



The aim of this narrative review is to explore the relationship between high-rate breakthrough cancer pain, which strongly impacts health-related quality of life and tumour characteristics, in the face of novel approaches that should provide guidance for future clinical practice.

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