
Safety and tolerability of edivoxetine as adjunctive treatment to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants for patients with major depressive disorder

James M Martinez, Margaret B Ferguson, Beth A Pangallo, Tina M Oakes, JonDavid Sparks, Mary Anne Dellva, Qi Zhang, Peng Liu, Mark Bangs, Jonna Ahl, Celine Goldberger

Article Type

Original Research


This analysis confirms that the tolerability and safety profile of edivoxetine as adjunctive treatment to SSRI antidepressants was consistent with its norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor mechanism of action, and was comparable with edivoxetine monotherapy treatment in patients with major depressive disorder.

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Review of the experiences from the first childhood influenza vaccination programme with a live attenuated influenza vaccine in England and Scotland

George Kassianos, Sharon White, Arlene J Reynolds, Sankarasubramanian Rajaram

Article Type

Case Report


In 2012, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation recommended that the UK National Immunisation Programme for influenza be extended to include healthy children/adolescents aged 2–17 years. The extension of this new immunisation programme began in 2013–2014 and targeted children aged 2–3 years in primary care. This article describes the processes utilised in England and Scotland for programme setup, workforce management, identification and care of contraindicated patients, collection of data on vaccine uptake, communication strategies, and education of parents and children. In light of the lessons learnt from these pilot programmes, the authors make recommendations and offer practical advice to help ensure effective preparation and management of new childhood influenza vaccination programmes in other countries.

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Progression of autosomal dominant kidney disease: measurement of the stage transitions of chronic kidney disease

Christopher M Blanchette, Caihua Liang, Deborah P Lubeck, Britt Newsome, Sandro Rossetti, Xiangmei Gu, Benjamin Gutierrez, Nancy D Lin

Article Type

Original Research


Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a progressive genetic disorder characterized by the development of numerous kidney cysts that result in kidney failure. The results of this study suggest that distribution of patients by age at transition to next stage may be useful for identification of ADPKD patients at risk of rapid progression.

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Clinical factors, including All Patient Refined Diagnosis Related Group severity, as predictors of early rehospitalization after COPD exacerbation

Melissa H Roberts, Douglas W Mapel, Ann Von Worley, Janice Beene

Article Type

Original Research


Patients hospitalized for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations carry a high risk for early rehospitalization. This study demonstrates that hospitals can use commonly collected clinical information to help identify COPD patients at a high risk of failure after discharge.

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Reduction in inpatient resource utilization and costs associated with long-acting injectable antipsychotics across different age groups of Medicaid-insured schizophrenia patients

Siddhesh A Kamat, Steve Offord, John Docherty, Jay Lin, Anna Eramo, Ross A Baker, Benjamin Gutierrez, Craig Karson

Article Type

Original Research


The results from this large cohort study provided naturalistic real-world evidence of the utility of LAIs in patients with schizophrenia and suggest that these agents may help to reduce the risk of relapse across all age groups, especially among younger patients.

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